Brazil - Brasil - BRAZZIL - Brazilian Use the NY Terror to Make Fun of Themselves - November 2001

November 2001

Why Terror Won't Bloom Here

Brazilians used the American tragedy to make fun
of themselves. This is one of the self-mocking texts that
circulated on the Internet after the terrorist attack in New York:


Why is a terrorist attack impossible in Brazil?

A. Thinking about the possibility of such an assault, we don't make buildings as tall as the World Trade Center!

B. Thinking about the possibility of such an assault, at 8:45 AM no one would be in their offices because even if they want to arrive on time, the traffic strategically blocks every car and all the streets where there is room to park.

C. Thinking about the possibility of such an assault, firemen wouldn't arrive at the tragedy's scene in five minutes and therefore they wouldn't die during the collapse of the building.

D. A Brazilian would not call their relatives by cell phone to say goodbye because either he wouldn't be able to complete the connection or his telephone wouldn't have credit.

E. If terrorists had to spend a year in Brazil as they had in the United States, they would have been victims of assault, kidnapping or would have died in a traffic accident preventing them from accomplishing their mission.

F. Terrorists don't even know where Brazil is located. They think it's just another Third World country with samba and football (soccer) whose capital is Argentina.

G. In Brazil a terrorist would never find a flight manual in order to learn to be a pilot. First he would have to go to the Air Force and then to get his license he would need to spend a fortune with fees here and there, plus they would have to bribe someone on line and there would be so much to pay that there would be no money left to accomplish their mission.

H. In brief, Brazil is a country well prepared to deal with terrorism.

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