BRAZZIL - News from Brazil - LETTERS - FEBRUARY 1996


Not fair!

This is about "America, the Ugly" (BRAZZIL - News from Brazil -- January '96) the article on Ana Maria Bahiana's book. One of the problems with being one of the biggest countries in the world as well as one of the richest is that people tend to start believing that we're also the best. Yes, certainly, Americans as a whole know little about Brazil or any other country, but by generalizing about 255 million people, Ms. Bahiana becomes guilty of the very thing she accuses us. I say "us" although I wasn't born here, either. I came from Denmark 27 years ago and started living as an American.
There's not enough room in the Letters section to share all the points on which I disagree with Ms. Bahiana. It's quite clear that she understands sadly little about Americans. Even more sad is the fact that by publishing the book in Brazil she contributes to the gap that does exist between our two peoples. She repairs nothing, offers no solutions, does not make our world better.

Kirsten Weinoldt -- West Boylston, Massachusetts

Did they pull your leg?

I was intrigued by your item stating that the CIA's Internet home page had a photo of Buenos Aires and identified it as Rio, an then compounded the error by saying Rio is the capital of Brazil. So I did a search and found the CIA's home page. I didn't see any photos of Buenos Aires or any photo labeled as Rio, capital or otherwise. What gives? Did someone put something over on you guys? I enjoyed the bottle dance story (Rapidinhas - December issue). If I'd seen that earlier I might have flown down to Brazil to see my namorada in Fortaleza rather than have her fly north.

Steven Koenig -- Silver Spring, Maryland

Begging for corrections

I enjoy your magazine. Articles are interesting and written in a lively intelligent way. But you need a little more proof-reading. A few errors in the December issue (pages 6 and 7): 1. Romance in Portuguese is novel in English, not "romance" 2. More than hats and coats are taken off, not "taken out" 3. Brazil's capital was moved to Brasília in 1960, not has been moved 4. Mi Buenos Aires querido, not "querida".

Don Galfond -- San Francisco, California

Quite disappointed

I saw your BRAZZIL - News from Brazil On Line mentioned on Internet's soc.culture.brazil newsgroup. Your page took a long time to download and I almost pushed stop. And then there wasn't really much to see. I will not even click on another link because I don't want to wait.

Peter J. Schoenster -- Germantown, Tennessee

Quite pleased

Please, accept my subscription to BRAZZIL - News from Brazil. It was quite a surprise for me to see such a well designed WEB page as yours is. It is really one that's worth the ride. I am a college student in Santa Barbara, and most of all, proud of being a Brazilian. I wish you the best on this noble task of enhancing our country's image in the US.

Rodrigo G. Debiasi -- Santa Barbara, California

Sorry, no oldies

Delighted about finding you on line! Look forward to receiving BRAZZIL - News from Brazil. How much would it cost to order all previous 1995 copies? I would like to place such an order. Muito obrigado.

Greg Stemm -- Tampa, Florida

Ah, it was a ball!

Reading about the Jovem Guarda (Cover story -- January '96) was very emotional for me. Everything I lived was there and I sang the songs and had much fun thinking about old times. Then I realized that I am 46 years old. I am a Portuguese teacher from Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, and I want to give BRAZZIL - News from Brazil to my students. This is a gift and it will help my classes because we will have many subjects to talk about. Thank you for this great work.

Adelaide Davies -- Denver, Colorado

Sure we are

I write a Brazilian electronic zine called Barata Elétrica. It's available at at pub/Publications/CuD/Barata_Eletrica. I wonder if you guys are interested in an article about Brazilian hackers.

Derneval Cunha -- São Paulo, Brazil

Helping hand

I am a Technical Editor who writes computer manuals. I would like to help to get some more Washington, D.C., Baltimore and Maryland coverage into BRAZZIL - News from Brazil.

Dan Gresser -- Columbia, Maryland

Season's greetings

I am giving myself a late Christmas present by subscribing to your magazine. Having lived in Brazil as a student in 1994, I enjoy your comprehensive and balanced presentation of the Brazilian scene. I look forward to keeping in touch with "meu Brasil" through BRAZZIL - News from Brazil.

Addison La Platta -- Atlanta, Georgia

Being of service

Enclosed find check for a two years' subscription. I work at the Northern Regional Library Facility (regional storage and circulation of books from UC campuses at Berkeley, San Francisco, Santa Cruz and Davis). Just discovered you on line yesterday and am looking forward to using your service.

John McCartney -- Richmond, California

Musical twist

I am very interested in you culture and am a great fan of Veloso, Buarque, Lins, Jobim & Elis. Last year I was privileged to meet Eliana Elias and Toninho Horta who in addition to being very talented were very nice people. Enclosed is a check for a one year subscription. I heard about BRAZZIL - News from Brazil on the International Channel.

Deborah K. Schmitt -- Pittsburgh, Pensylvannia

Brazilian Mexican

I get very excited every time I receive my new issue of BRAZZIL - News from Brazil. I would like to have more information on Brazilians living in the states of Oregon or Washington so I can communicate with them. My interest is to promote the Brazilian music and culture even though I am Mexican. On a past life I'm sure I was Brazilian.

Yolanda Segura -- Bend, Oregon

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